American Whistleblowers
Peter N. James, Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, et. al

When the Conservative Book Club in 1975 selected "The Air Force Mafia" as one of its recommended readings, it opened the "flood gates", signaling that Peter N. James was a whistleblower who willingly gave up a career with "corporate America" to expose conspiracy and corruption within our own government. In the epilog of his forthcoming MEMOIR, Peter offers a perspective on Edward Snowden that only a Whistleblower, intelligence analyst, and ex-spy with both "national security" and "individual rights" credentials can provide. His candid remarks are those of an American with no political agenda to deal with, no obligation to any advertisers, and no commitment to protect "important people" either in political office or seeking political office. And, Peter N. James cannot be censored by the U.S. government.

Peter N. James is PRIVATELY Focused on National Security Issues
He is Unavailable for Public Speaking Appearances
Look for Peter's published MEMOIR in 2022-2023


Peter N. James  -- "The American"
(Number One Speaker Series on International Espionage and Terrorism)

 Programs (Past Speaking Programs)
"International Espionage and Terrorism"
"How You Can Expose Corruption"
"The Embryo of an American Police State"
"Author, Speaker, Whistleblower, Spy -- The American"
(Based on the forthcoming MEMOIR of the maverick they called "The American")

Peter N. James is PRIVATELY Focused on National Security Issues
He is Unavailable for Public Speaking Appearances
Look for Peter's published MEMOIR in 2022-2023